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Comfort & Joy

Writer: Dan LovelyDan Lovely

Updated: Jan 28, 2024

Friends, I wish you "Comfort & Joy" this New Year! My latest painting was intended for my annual Christmas Card, but she wasn't quite ready and I quickly realized this was meant to be a New Year's illustration. Sometimes the art has a purpose greater than my conception and I have to take a step back and let her take the lead. As the old fox of 2021 scampers away in the background, an angel of Comfort & Joy brings light to a hopeful new dawn surrounded by a snow-covered winter forest and some of my favorite wild creatures. Wild birds with their brilliant feathers and elevating energy, illuminate this angelic scene with a colorful spectrum of light. The orange and red bittersweet berries in the foreground echo the bittersweet times in which we live, as a relentless global pandemic weighs heavy on the minds and hearts of people everywhere during these Holidays. (cont. below...)

"Comfort & Joy" - 20" X 16" Acrylic, Colored Pencil - Now Available In Our Shop

I often find myself asking God where he is in all of this suffering? And as always, Spirit reveals itself to me through the wonders of Creation both great and small. The little birds at my window feeder here in Maine remind me to trust that I am being watched over and cared for. Despite all our struggles past and present, we can choose to look forward with a hopeful heart and trust that God is truly everywhere and all around us. Let's all take one day at a time and focus on what it is we are mean't to do with what we have in the time we've been given.

Sending You Blessings of Hope, Comfort & Joy, Dan



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