I love men. I live with a masculine man, and I love who we’ve become over the past 21 years of our lives together. This Month of Love, I believe no people are more in need of a little extra loving than men, so lets get after it...
"Jacob's Ladder"
My love affair with the aesthetic male physique started with those awesome superheros of my boyhood. I was fascinated by the exaggerated muscle, strength, and masculinity of heroic characters in comic books and movies. Historically, artists have rendered the idealized male body in every medium as an inspiring symbol of the greatest of human potential and beauty. The Golden Age of bodybuilding created a kind of modern Renaissance that inspired men and boys everywhere to hit the gym in hopes of sculpting themselves into that heroic, masculine ideal.
"Rear Window"
In my early twenties, I studied human anatomy through intensive figure drawing classes rendering nude models for hours on end. I began to see the unclothed body as something sacred when thoughtfully draped in light and shadow and loved my time in the studio. Later in my 30’s, I became a licensed massage therapist and started to understand the inspired mechanics of the human musculoskeletal system. Through my studies and artistic practice, I have discovered the human body to be the highest representation and evidence of intelligent design. I believe God reveals himself in the subtle details of our human experience, and I allow my artistic explorations to inform and expand my faith.
"Trey Hardee Portrait"
It is unfortunate that male nudity and homosexual themes in art have widely been forced into the shadows of censorship and deemed pornographic. This by-product of radical Feminism attempts to remedy the misogyny of yesteryear with blatant misandry today. Organized religion similarly has shamed humanity for their innate sexuality and flesh, forgetting that these are expressions of God's love by design. When artwork gets pushed into the shadows of censorship, artists will inevitably explore the shadow side of humanity. I have occassionaly explored controversial shadow-themes in my art without judgment for the duality of human nature. I often dissect my feelings and values as a man through my art, and I invite others to share in my curiosity. I am not always right, and sometimes the artwork falls short of the concept, but at least I dare to ask myself hard questions through my craft. If there is one thing art has taught me, it is the necessity of light, shadow, and dark to create a more dynamic visual experience, and my experience of life has been no different.
My love affair and practice of creating artistic images of men, heroic masculinity, and ideal aesthetics continues today despite the censorship and criticism I have endured over my creative career. I decided a long time ago never to live my life in the shadows of shame but to share all that God created me to be as a man with the world. I believe it is vitally important, now more than ever, that the masculine male figure emerge in art from the shadows and into the light as a heroic symbol of the greatest of human potential and beauty. I can’t think of a better way to celebrate the Month of Love than with man-made art celebrating the intelligent design of the male body, and I invite you to share my work with the people you love.
My Best,